Monday, February 22, 2010

Do Nioxin hair products really work for thin hair?

I'm 15 years hair is really thin and my mother just bought me Nioxin products because she says it has her hair down to her shoulders. I just want some feedback because i wanna know how it work like do you wash your hair everyday? Or once a week?Do Nioxin hair products really work for thin hair?
Depends, some people have the opposite effect and are sensitive to Nioxin, while the product itself does work for others and helps lower the amount of hair loss and regrows strands/thickens hair by remove DHT.

But you are QUITE YOUNG for Nioxin, are you losing a lot of hair? Or is your hair just fine/thin? If you aren't losing hair I would really recommend considering your age, if you are hitting VERY EARLY hair loss, it should be a considered purchase.Do Nioxin hair products really work for thin hair?
I recommend trying the Scalp Therapy and Follicle Booster by Nioxin. They work great and my hair falls out less. However, you are still young. There is no miracle product for bald people that will make their hair grow. Nioxin will simply reduce hair loss or delay any chance of being bald in the future. I got my products at which you can find at the following link: . They have great prices.

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