Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is the difference between minoxidil and nioxin for growth of men's hair?

Well, besides the names I really don't know. Sorry.What is the difference between minoxidil and nioxin for growth of men's hair?
I may have this wrong, but I think that minoxidil is taken orally, and nioxin is topical.What is the difference between minoxidil and nioxin for growth of men's hair?
One is the original and the other is a copy... Kind of like the difference between a name brand and a store brand of something... Doritos are by frito lay and ';Zinger too's'; are by the local grocery store...
PLEASE don't use Rogaine. It is a drug. Years ago it was a blood pressure medication (Minoxidyl) (hope I spelled it correctly!). They discovered that one of the side effects was that people were growing hair on their bodies. So they took it off the market and re-vamped it for people who have thinning hair/baldness. It is a drug, it does enter the bloodstream and that is why when you stop using it, all the hair you did get from it, you lose once the drug is out of your blood stream. (For most people it's about 2-3 weeks) Many people experience side effects from it since it is a drug.

If you are dealing with hair that is just starting to thin or if you have excessive thinning, try Nioxin. It is natural, is not a drug, won't enter the blood stream, and it works! I've seen it do some AMAZING things for people who use it consistently.

The Cleanser (shampoo) and Scalp Therapy(conditioner) are designed to help you hang onto the hair that you already have. If you're thinning, it will help stop the thinning. If you want to grow hair, you can do it if you use the Follicle Booster and Treatment together as well. I respectfully beg to differ with the hairstylist who's brother tried it. I've SEEN Nioxin do some amazing things for many of my clients. Nioxin now has 8 different systems depending on your hair type and your hair loss situation. Many people find that they may hit a ';glass ceiling'; after they've been using the Nioxin for 4 months or so. If you find that you were getting results and then all of a sudden nothing, then you need to move over to the Semodex line that Nioxin has. Use it as directed for 45 days, then go back to your regular Nioxin system with Follicle Booster and Treatment, and you'll begin to see awesome results again. Then about 4 months later, the same thing will happen, so go back on the Semodex for 45 days again. This seems to be a common occurrence with users, and if they do this alternating system, they'll continue to have the results they want.

Thorough training is needed for stylists/managers/receptionist... in the Nioxin line. If they don't understand the line and how to use and recommend the proper products, then clients won't see the results.
I dont know the difference but Nioxin does not work.Not at all. Not even a little bit.
minoxidil was a blood pessure medicine that was found to grow hair only as a side affect of it's use. It does work but the rusults are not worth the risk of using a drug. Nioxin is a topical hair growth formula that improves the blood circulation to the scalp. Hair loss can come from many factors which can be corrected such as shampoo's that plug the hair follicle, certain muscle enhancing drugs, stress, even over exposure to the sun and excessive sweating of the scalp. Nioxin clears the wax build up on the hair shaft and scalp and stimulates the blood flow to the follicle.

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